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Fill out the form below to connect with me and share what you're looking for. 

Once I review your information, I will send you a scheduling link for my calendar and we can get a call on the books within 1 - 2 business days.

" Casea Peterson is an absolute delight to work with. She takes initiative and produces high-quality work that’s not only on-brand but clear, concise and it converts. She is detail-oriented with an enthusiasm to deliver the best copy for the job. Ultimately, Casea makes work that is insightful and impactful. "

Sarah Powell

Associate Creative Director

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Frequently asked questions

What are my rates?

For all copywriting work, I quote by the project, not the hour. Here’s why:

Good conversion copy brings exponential value — but it takes time to get it right. Quoting at an hourly rate means I try to work faster to keep you happy, and that’s not ideal for anyone, or the process itself. With project pricing, you’ll have a solid idea of what the work is actually going to cost before we dive in. 

What is my minimum project rate?

My minimum project fee for new clients is $2,000.

I know what you're thinking… I could pay $500 for a sales page somewhere else!

And I get it. Because you could. But you shouldn't. Your offer deserves better strategy & copy than what you’re going to get for that rate.

While $500 copy might spontaneously get lucky sometimes, I can pretty much guarantee the copywriters producing it aren’t losing themselves in mounds of strategic research to turn out high-converting headlines, or getting so familiar with your funnel that they can identify the smallest of leaks.

By the time I’ve finished a sales page or an email sequence for a client, I hear things like, “You have a PhD in my program!” and “You adopted my voice and said it better than I ever could.“

That level of intimacy with your copy takes time — and it’s what gets results.

It’s what I want for you.

Can I cut out part of the process?

This is the process I’ve used on countless projects to ensure the absolute best results. Eliminating a portion of it makes it harder for me to do my job — and makes it less likely that you’ll see results.

I need copy now! Can you make it happen?

Rush delivery is almost always available assuming the research is also available. What it means for me: an extra cup of coffee + a few less winks of sleep. What it means for you: a rush fee of 25-50% of the project cost (depending on project scope) + stellar copy delivered to you, pronto.

Are we a good fit?

I want you to know that I’m not the right copywriter for everyone — and I’ll be the first to tell you if that’s the case.

As a conversion copywriter with a marketing background, to boot, I bring more than just words that sound nice to the table.

I write copy that inspires action. But you have to know what action you want your people to take — and fully believe in it.

If strategy makes you swoon and the idea of creating an impact with your offer has you giddy, let’s talk.

How soon can we start?

I love your excitement!

At any given time, I’m typically booking at least 6-8 weeks out.

A tip: Don’t wait until you need your copy tomorrow to reach out. Get in touch now, even if your launch is months in the making. (The more lead time? The better.)

A 50% deposit holds your spot in the calendar for when you’re ready, and gives us ample time to work in the research and discovery your project needs.

Can you guarantee conversions?

Unfortunately, no. Copywriting is only one piece of the puzzle. The quality of your list, the offer, and other variables will largely factor into your results. While I can’t guarantee a certain conversion rate, I can guarantee learning that we can use to test variants and continually improve.

What is the best way to provide feedback?

Thanks for asking! You designate one point person for feedback. That person rounds up any team feedback from key players (the fewer cooks in the kitchen, the better!), then shares it with me either via the Google Docs or on our review calls.
